This product possess power by itself, small volume, high precision of cumulative time,is especially suitable for high science technology domains and high-precision medical equipment sides.
- DIN48×24mmStandard front-panel dimension
- Power by itself inner, not connecting outer
- High precision of cumulative time
- 6 sets of LCD, display big and clear-cut
- Front-panel reset with lock, to prevent operating mistaken
- The longest cumulative time is 9999day
- This product has not mechanical wear and tear, has long life
- Range of cumulative time:99999.9Hour 9999.99Hour 99Hour59Pm59Seconds
- 9999Days23Hour999999Days23Hour
Technical parameter
- Power: inner power
- Battery life:≥6year
- Height of display-word:6.7mm
- time error: ≤0.02%
- The Max resistance of connecting with contactor:≤10kΩ
- The Min resistance of breaking with contactor:≥500kΩ
Outline dimensions